Around the globe, the push from onshore to offshore energy generation has led to wind turbines increasing in size and being positioned further offshore in larger arrays and harsher waters. This has put the efficiency of cable lay operations under scrutiny as never before. Installation contractors must minimise disruption to cable deployment and, where necessary, efficiently recover damaged cable.
For these reasons, Allspeeds has developed a range of Webtool cutters and grippers to streamline both cable deployment and recovery in the offshore energy sector. The Webtool cutters use guillotine cutting technology developed and refined over 30 years. Designed to cut through the toughest armoured cables in seconds, the cutter comprises a jaw containing a blade and anvil powered by an inbuilt pressure intensifier.
What makes Guillotine Cutting so effective
Unlike other cutting methods where there is a risk of the cable flexing during cutting and either trapping or snapping the blade, closing the guillotine’s anvil locks the cable in position ensuring the cut is completed successfully.
Offshore Energy Cable Deployment and Planned Cutting
The heavy-duty Webtool HCV220 and HCV330 cutters can be used either deck mounted or deployed subsea mounted on a ROV. As a deck mounted cutter, they can be used for planned production cutting of cable up to 330 mm diameter. The cable passes through the jaw of the cutter during deployment and when a cut is required, the anvil is closed and the guillotine blade activated. The cut is completed in seconds.
Cable Recovery
Webtool cutters can also be used to aid subsea cable recovery. Here the cutter can be used to cut cable prior to recovery with the Webtool CRT200 cable gripper. They can be used at any water depth and being of a robust steel design with electroless nickel plating are resistant to corrosion. The Webtool HCV220 features an integrated interlock ensuring that the blade cannot activated until the anvil is fully deployed, making it safe in low visibility environments. Weighing 320kg in the air, the cutter requires 210 bar maximum input pressure
Cable Retrieval Tool
Retrieving cable subsea can be a difficult, time-consuming task. The CRT200 Cable Retrieval Tool provides a quicker and safer controlled recovery of damaged cable up to 203 mm (8”) diameter.
Developed in consultation with international certification body and classification society, DNV, the CRT200 Cable Retrieval Tool is the only cable and umbilical retrieval tool of its type to meet the exacting design codes and standards for marine operations, and offshore and platform lifting appliances. Specifically, the CRT200 satisfies the requirements of DNVGL-ST-N001 Marine Operations & Marine Warranty, June 2016 and DNVGL-ST-0378 Standard for Offshore & Platform Lifting Appliances, May 2016.
The hydraulically operated Webtool cable gripper offers a quicker and safer method of retrieval and improved cable handling.
- Efficient cable recovery – the gripper, guided by an ROV, is lowered onto the end of the cable, requiring minimal clearing of the soil around the cable.
- Mechanically locked gripping action ensures the cable cannot escape during retrieval.
- Gripping the end of the cable makes subsequent handling much easier, enabling the cable to be recovered to a reeler or spooler on the surface vessel.
Fabricated from corrosion resistant materials, the Webtool cable gripper weighs approx. 500 kg and has a lifting capacity of 20 tonnes. It can be used at any water depth and is available with torque bucket interface options for ease of deployment.
From Cable Lay to Emergency Cutters
In addition to cutters for cables up to 330 mm diameter, Allspeeds also offers a range of emergency cutters designed to provide a rapid cutting of cable, umbilical, steel wire or fibre ropes should the need arise.
For example, during cable lay, the cutter can be mounted on the stern of the vessel with cable passing through it. In the event of a problem with the cable reeler that puts the vessel at risk, the cutter can be activated immediately, severing the cable and releasing the ship.
Emergency cutters are also available for specific applications such as steel wire winch cutters, and deck-mounted cutters. The cutters are characterised by their robustness, speed of cutting and customisation to suit the material to be cut and operating environment.
Steel Wire Winch Line Cutter
The Allspeeds steel wire winch line cutter is designed to handle the types of high performance, multistrand steel wires typically used offshore. It can be readily adapted for use on any type of winch. It allows free movement of the wire through the closed cutter mouth without affecting normal winch operations.
Fibre Rope Winch Line Cutter
The Allspeeds fibre rope cutter is a lightweight aluminium construction, mounted on a transverse arm that allows free movement of the rope through the cutter’s closed mouth, without affecting normal operations.
For more information on how Allspeeds can enhance the efficiency of your offshore energy deployment operations, email info@allspeeds.co.uk