Rapid Response Emergency Disconnection Cutting
Hydraulic cutters and systems specialist Allspeeds, the designer and manufacturer of the WebtoolTM brand of subsea cutting tools, have developed a range of integrated cutters and systems that provide rapid emergency disconnection in the event of an emergency.
Emergency disconnection cutters are emerging as mission-critical technology in situations where a rapid response emergency disconnection may be needed as part of a project’s emergency disconnection contingency planning. Any situation where a physical connection is used to tow, tether or support two objects offshore may benefit from the provision of an emergency cutter.
Deployment results in a single cutting action, severing multiple hydraulic & electrical flying leads along with steel tension wire, within seconds. Allspeeds and Webtool emergency cutters offer a simpler and quicker emergency disconnection than more complex multi-line stab-plate systems.
Emergency cutters can be easily retrofitted and offer considerable space and weight savings options.
Download the Emergency cutter brochure here.
For more information on the Emergency cutter range email info@allspeeds.co.uk